
Identify the type of microorganisms in your activated sludge based on a library of photomicrographs and their relative predominance and relationship with one another.

Tetra Tech is currently developing BioBugs-360, a software that leverages machine learning and artificial intelligence to identify the type of microorganisms in your activated sludge process. If you are interested in learning more or participating in the development of BioBugs-360, please enter your contact information below.

Also available is a 2′ x 3′ laminated poster to mount to the wall of your operations or laboratory facilities. This poster includes photomicrographs illustrating the various microorganisms that can be observed in the activated sludge process. The poster also includes a chart that details the relative predominance of the various microorganisms and the growth relationships among organisms. This chart is an excellent resource for operations and laboratory staff and guests who may be visiting your treatment facilities. This poster can be purchased from USABlueBook by clicking the link below.

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